Wednesday 4 April 2012

04/04/12 Seed Starting Fun

I started my seeds last night. Pulled out the seed trays, dug out some soil, grabbed my new bundle of seedy joy that were delivered yesterday via the wonderful Canadian Post and introduced them to the ratter tatter bunch that are stowed away over last winter in a broken Ziploc container that has been relocated fifteens times in that last couple months with all the renovation activity. In the back of my mind I always feel that I never have enough seeds, I'll run out, not have enough to plant and keep us fed for the winter! Gasp! What am I thinking? As it stands right now at home, on my dining room table, there is enough seeds in enough packets to feed a whole community. That's just it though, they are seeds, that need to be planted, that need to grow big. So moral of the story is GET THEM IN SOME EARTH! Than maybe you can feed that community Ashley! Nothing is going to grow unless you give them a warm, caring space for them to spread their roots. To allow their tiny little leaves to reach up for the sun, until they are all big enough to join the jungle called the great outdoors and grow into big edible wonders. The journey from that tiny little seed, to the towering plants that bear beautiful, nutritious fruit is an extremely long and a very taxing one.

So many elements come into play. Location, temperature, light, and soil conditions just to start. Than there is our lovely mother nature, who seems to test the limits each year, or test the farmer/gardener in other words. In between the seed coming from the house to the big gardens, there is a constant array of predators trying to take there share or the bounty. White cabbage fly, I will beat you this year! I will not allow you to take my beloved Brussell Sprouts and destroy them to nothing like last year. I am in control of what goes on out there! Don't even get me started on trying to fend off the herds of deer that wander through our yard in search of the perfect seedlings night after night. After all the love and tendering (fighting for their lives) from March to August, it is finally time to pull the first beautiful tomato off the vine, write a post to proclaim that harvest has finally arrived, than make it into a mouth watering tomato sandwich. Toasted Multigrain bread, butter smeared delectably across, Miracle Whip (I'm a firm believer in the use of mayo and Jon does remind me of this, but there is something special about the Zip in Miracle Whip in a tomato sandwich), topped with the vine ripened tomato in my garden tomato, and finished off with freshly ground pepper and sea salt. If you are lucky and can wait that long, add some bacon and lettuce to the mix. Take a bite of the fresh gooey mess, the concoction of melted butter and Miracle Whip drip down the sides of your mouth.  There is many aching mouths by the end of the first couple days from the acid in the tomatoes and the rub of toast on the top of your mouth. Heaven, in no other words.

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